Kith & Invisible Friends Presents - KITH FRIENDS
Kith Friends is a collaborative project between Kith's Ronnie Fieg and Invisible Friends' Markus Magnusson. The duo, both achieving success in their respective domains have come together for the partnership and is an ambitious effort to bridge the physical and digital realms using art and blockchain technology.
This collaborative effort resulted in a stunning collection of digital collectibles known as "Kith Friends". The collection included nine 1/1 Kith Friends for public auction showcasing a different look from Kith's Summer 2022 collections and were inspired by Kith stores around the world. unique animated art pieces for each was created by @motionMarkus inspired by kith stores in Brooklyn, Hawaii, London, LA, Miami, NYC, Paris, Tokyo and Aspen.
(check out the full collection here).
The winners for the 1/1 auctions would qualify the full wardrobe worn by their corresponding friend. At the time, the highest recorded price for one of the 1/1 editions is estimated at around $50k for the London piece:
Larger edition Kith Friends dressed in Kith for Invisible Friends product was made available to all Invisible Friend holders. Owners of these Kith Friends were the only ones able to claim all of the exclusive products in the Kith for Invisible Friend capsule collection. Releasing in 3 different editions with varying color, product and size. Minters had a choice which one they minted from the website and the final allocation and thus rarity of each set was dependent on the selection during the minting process.
Each friend's colourway is only available in that particular size making the collection notably more unique and limited. The medium size is a light powder blue and white pallet with the Large favouring a rich cream wool and navy combo. The most limited (874) Extra Large, arrived in a deep black with the patches popping on the sleeves.
A look at @Invisiblefriends_io gives us a more detailed look at some of the pieces from the collection:
"Evolving Friends" are an additional utility provided to holders of these Kith Friend collectibles with the artwork changing over time to be wearing different clothes, shoes and accessories . The evolved friend will reveal the item or items that these holders gain early access to. Holders of these edition pieces will get some first come first serve access to select Kith product launches.
For the first evolution, the Kith Friend edition pieces evolved and changed artwork to be wearing the Kith for BMW clothes and accessories. No new sales of collectibles — just existing Kith Friends changing artwork into Kith for BMW Friends.
Kith Friends holders received Early Access to the entire collection through a token-gated website, where holders were prompted to connect their wallet, once connected the site verified that the Kith Friend was in the wallet, and then took you to the collection webpage
Our consignors club has secured one of each edition which will be on sale in our new VNA location this summer. For more info on each edition check out the detailed posts from our LRCC VAULT: